It is with sadness we say good bye to a legend of La Cruz. May you truly rest in Peace, Señora.

Faith, Hope, and Love in La Cruz

Dona Marie turns 100.

This time of year, has me reminiscing of all things beautiful. I don’t set goals anymore, more like intentions. Focusing on what I desire, how I’d like to BE in the world and what I’m willing to let go of inspires me.

It’s with delight I write about a lovely lady in our town of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle; Doña Mari. This tiny yet mighty Señora turned 100 this week, on July 22nd, 2020. Many of us wanted to throw her a party but, well… COVID. Hopefully, we can celebrate at a later date.

Marichuy (of The Tree House Bar and Grill) spoke with Doña Mari and shared; “She is so tired but still wants to keep working as it gives her life. Doña Mari is grateful for all the people who support her and help her to live.” I asked Marichuy what brought Doña Mari to La Cruz and her answer surprised me. Originally the Señora was from La Tortuga, Jalisco (near Talpa, Jalisco). When she was thirteen years old her family went to live in Puerto Carrillo (near Compostela), because her father lost their family estate in a card game! Doña Mari married at eighteen years old and had twelve children. A son of hers came to live in La Cruz and that brought Doña Mari to our quaint seaside village.

What occurred to me in setting my intentions recently is that so much of how Doña Mari affects our world is who and what I want more of in my life.

Faith… Doña Mari seems to have a certain faith, every day collecting tin cans, enough to feed her family, trusting there’s always enough.


Doña Mari


Hope… I’m surmising she must have hope there will be enough each day as she returns to the marina property and the streets of La Cruz collecting more each day.


AND the most important is LOVE… the love of our community for Doña Mari; from the guys who provided her with her cart, and Leon who customized it by painting her name on it, to all those who slip pesos to her, to the many folks around town who keep the cans specifically for Doña Mari and for the gentle people who help her over a curb or up a hill. Love always multiplies as her beautiful smile exudes love and appreciation for all of the above.


Dona Mari

Chuck and Doña Mari

Each time I speak with her she ends our conversation with “Que Dios la Bendiga” which translates to “May God Bless You”. This wells me up as in relation to Doña Mari I have so much… whatever one might believe it’s a lovely sentiment. I’m filled with appreciation that indeed God has blessed me.

Ending a season of many blessings and some challenges I’m filled with gratitude for those who serve me so greatly in La Cruz. From the business people who help make it easier for me to serve my guests; specifically, restaurants, bars, and the venders of all kinds. The banks, the grocery stores and the musicians… wow! Daily my guests tell me how this enhances their vacation and is why they return. One guest recently reiterated a sentiment I hear often “I’m amazed by the variety of great music and restaurants in such a small town… we’re coming back!”

Appreciating and giving thanks is appropriate and necessary for me. To all who have made my life better, taught me a lesson, volunteered in our community, donated to causes, brought items for those less fortunate, called, emailed or otherwise reached out to me when they suspected I needed it… and for all those who give to Doña Mari. May we ALL set our intentions that “This too shall pass”, do the right things for your health and the health of those around you. May the future bring us all blessings beyond our wildest imaginations.

May the world experience true peace.

May LOVE be the energy we feel in all interactions.

I have Faith this is so. May we all achieve our goals and/or intentions.

I appreciate all who read this blog, who contribute to others, and I commit to continue to share about the wonderful people of La Cruz with you

Que Dios la Bendiga

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