Sadly, the rain that came with the summer hurricane (2021) caused a huge tree to tromp all over the structure that housed Ana Banana’s and caused much damage. The ‘retirement’ of such a fabulous addition to our community has created a huge hole in the hearts of many. Blessings to Ana, Barry, their families and all who love them and their Bar.
Rock and roll, good people, down home comfort at Ana Banana’s
The first time I saw the Ana Banana’s sign, I was so excited I walked right in and ordered a smoothie. Ana looked at me like I had a third eye announcing they didn’t make smoothies. The name of the bar is a fun play on words named after Ana, one of the proprietors. Barry Redfern, from Canada, and Ana, his beautiful Mexican wife, have created a place for folks to come and feel at home while enjoying comfort food dinners, like meatloaf (available on on certain nights)… but nothing banana-esqe is on the menu!
Enjoy coffee and kibitzing, drinking and dancing; morning or night. From one man shows to rhythm and blues ensembles to rock and roll bands; an evening at Ana Banana’s provides options to visit with friends, enjoy a cocktail, a meal and dance until you drop!
In the morning you can chat to locals who are part of the coffee klatch, or take Spanish lessons or if you’re lucky, you’ll see our famous local, Leon, paint his latest creation by day or enjoy his thimble laden mitts making marvelous music on his washboard at night.
Ana Banana’s was one of the first ‘open mic’ options in La Cruz and many musicians got their start there. I used to say that La Cruz is where old musicians came to die but I quickly revised that to “where old musicians come to live”. Seriously, partaking in the fun on any given day has me pinching myself asking ” how did I get this life?” Many folks have either embraced a long since forgotten passion picking up an instrument from their youth or have surprised themselves with hidden talents learning ‘from scratch’ how to play guitar, beat drums or belt out a song. Music ‘jams’ are a way of life.
The variety of musical options on any night in La Cruz is a toe tapping delight. Some ‘bar hop’, others pick one place and make a night of it. If you know La Cruz at all, the different bars ‘own’ a night or two, making sure that not only do locals and tourists to La Cruz experience different perspectives of our wee village but this marvelous community also shares the wealth, so to speak.
Ana Bananas ‘nights’ are typically Friday, Sunday and Monday so be sure to check them out. The rock and roll always get us up dancing!
Back in the day, before we came to La Cruz and before the marina came to town, Ana’s was waterfront and some folks used to arrive by boat to enjoy the music.
Be sure to look up and notice the crown royal bags, many memorials to the fine people of La Cruz that have passed. Ask Barry to explain what this is and how the tradition got started!
Speaking of traditions and memorials if ever you visit on November 1 and 2, check out Ana’s Day of the Dead memorial, which is consistently one of the best. Bring a photo of someone you’d like to honor and take part in the celebration of life.
Be sure to sign the signature wall. Its fun to check it out and see how far people have traveled, from all over the world, to visit La Cruz and dance the night away. Enjoy!

Such a great write up Cindy! Love the stories out of Anna Bananas !
One night I was there and Barry told me he was in the RCMP and so I rattled off 21246 that’s my deceased husbands regimental number! So when we meet we rattle off our regimental numbers ! Lol
Thanks Gail! My father-in-law was an RCMP too and when he and Barry met they shared their numbers, which were very close… there were emotions!