Wantra; experience energy healing and/or release your fears with your personal mermaid.

I met Crystal Ra at Pat Henry’s organic stretching class, in La Cruz, a few years ago. Pat raved about her energy healing sessions! Crystal Ra’s eyes are bright and she truly radiates energy. Although curious I never took advantage of what she was offering; ‘Access Consciousness™’ body and mind sessions and ‘Auratransformation™’ and energy healing. She explains, “I help people with clearing the energy in houses as well businesses. Auratransformation™ is a treatment method which powerfully activates the influx of the New Time energy. In short, an AuraTransformation™ provides a permanent and radical expansion of consciousness which anchors a synergy between your charisma, drive and intuition, together with physical action (quote by Anni Sennov).”

Wantra, energy healing, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz

Since that meeting about 4 years ago, Crystal Ra has been focusing on a water modality called Wantra which she developed herself. She’s been developing it since 2009 in Hawaii, Estonia and now also in Mexico. It’s a marriage of water and tantra as well an infusion of other healing modalities and brings forth expansion and liberation from inside out. It heals our mind, body and soul. Everything gets amplified as all of the work happens in the body temperature water.

Wantra can be offered as a passive floating session above and under water to heal and relax or it can work on deeper emotional issues as well. She customizes sessions for those who have a very intense fear of water. It can also be done as an active session, where she teaches different moves for clients to do and practice afterwards to keep the body in optimal health. She also performs group classes for adults, kids, teams and corporations. Not to leave out couples Crystal Ra declares “Work with couples is so fun. Experiencing the warm water washing away all the resentment, anger and problems and the couple melting together again is priceless.”


Wantra with your personal mermaid; Crystal Ra


Wantra with your personal mermaid; Crystal Ra


Wantra sessions also help to reduce stress, promotes better sleep, heals body injuries as well as emotional wounds. It also helps to detox everything in the body, mind and soul and increases blood flow, circulation and cellular hydration. It activates the digestive system as well as benefits creativity and intuition. It slows the heart rate down and helps to reduce high blood pressure. Because clients learn to breath differently they get more oxygen into the brain as well as to the blood; boosting the immune system really strongly. It also helps to heal relationships as the person who gets the session receives insights on new ways to look at situations. Some clients have even noticed that their memory has gotten better after the sessions. Most people experience more flow and ease in life. This work has so many different layers and levels that it would take too much space to mention them all. Each persons experience is the best!


Wantra with your personal mermaid; Crystal Ra


Crystal Ra truly won my heart when she helped our friend Wayland, who you may remember from an earlier article after an accident. Here’s that story.

“We started to work in the water with Wayland in January in 2015. He had been mostly inside the house and in his bed after his fall. We got him into the warm pool then my team and I put together a customized program for his special needs. First, we got him under the water and to hold his breath. Then we floated him, which was such a liberation for him, and with the help of a mask he was swimming face down. He then was vertical walking, again with help, in order to awaken the memory of walking in his brain. After some time we added more from Wantra moves and now Wayland has an hour of choreographed moves with many volunteers helping him weekly.

After being away for almost 6 months I helped him with a water session again and I was amazed how my work had continued while I was away. It delighted me how much more flexibability he had in his whole body, including his joints and legs.

In addition to Wantra sessions Wayland is also working with many other therapists doing physiotherapy and having at least 4 hours of treatments each day which all help.

Wayland’s range of movement is greater now and he can hold his breath longer and swim from one end of the pool to the other with no problem. By holding his breath he brings in more oxygen into his body and that will make his body more alkaline which will help him to boost his immune system, which became so much weaker after his fall. All in all the water work is one of his favorite parts of the day. Who would not like to walk in the water being accompanied with 5 female human angels? He also loves to sunbath after the session to get warm again and work on his tan.

It has been inspiring work to see how my presence and work could help someone to improve their life quality and how the learned skills were set in practice even when I was away. That is my wish with Wantra – that I could also transmit my knowledge and skills to many who would be opened to receive it and develop it further. I am working to set up more groups locally and working toward my own teacher’s training for my Wantra Water Guides in the future.

I also do Wantra sessions in the ocean, when the water temperature is warmer. This is very deep work, which connects the person with their inner self and with Mother Nature. It harmonizes your whole being on all levels in ways you are not able to do otherwise.

  • With the years working with Wantra I have noticed that this is the most holistic healing type I have studied and experienced, addressing absolutely every area of your life and being. It gives very fast results as we work with all the elements:
  • Water as the main element;
  • Fire through the warmth of the water;
  • Air via special breathing techniques;
  • Earth through the body I work with.

Marine biologists Nichols has just recently looked into the qualities of the water. His approach expresses my experience with Wantra:

‘Cognitive scientists using the latest in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) are gathering evidence that shows proximity to water, and even recalling aquatic memories, floods the brain with dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, those happiest of enzymes; and at the same time levels of cortisol—that stress-filled enzyme—plummet. Water seems to trigger the parts of the brain associated with empathy, encouraging a shift from “me” to “we.” Water, says Nichols, makes us our best selves and gives us our most vivid experiences. “It’s not simply the matrix of life,” he told me. “It makes life worth living.”

This quote is from; http://primemind.com/articles/wallace-nichols-the-spiritual-awakening-that-could-save-our-planet

Crystal Ra was born in Estonia (Eastern Europe) in 1976, during the Soviet time. She says “That created a good platform for my innovative and creative personality which helps me to manage and maintain myself wherever I am in the world. Hemingway used to say that there are at least 2 Estonians in every harbor of the world. It is true, we have two in La Cruz.


Wantra with your personal mermaid; Crystal Ra


I studied secretary work and management in Estonia, only to understand after 4 months working as a secretary that it was not a suitable profession for me. I’m very happy that I discovered so early and listened to my inner voice and did not live the rest of the 20 years miserable with my job and life. But it gave me many good skills for setting up my own business in 2007, which is now functioning location free and gives me my main income wherever I am in the world.

A bit later I got pregnant and gave birth to my baby boy, who today is a grown man of 19 years and lives independently in Estonia and dreams about his dream life somewhere else too. I am pretty sure I will include him more into my future projects worldwide.

I studied in several world class universities and got my Bachelors in Social Anthropology from Oslo and Cape Town university in 2005. I got my masters in Visual Cultural studies in Tromsö, Norway in 2007 and made two documentaries.

After my university studies I needed to do something else and founded my own company New Flow in 2007 in Estonia offering healing sessions from angel therapy, to Auratransformation™. Later I added tantra massages and tantra classes with world class teachers; Aqua therapy from Hawaii as well several mindfulness techniques.

I also work as a tour guide in Hawaii, leading my own retreats in Estonia, Norway and Mexico. I’ve had many professions from freelance journalism to radio talk show leader, organizer and social media manager, healer, film maker, presenter and more, but now my main focus is to build a strong foundation to my water modality, Wantra, and go global with it.

I’m just so fascinated to see how everything I have learned and everywhere I have been ties together in my Wantra experience – even my university studies. It is priceless to experience a 50 year old person go through their water fear and change their life forever; turning into a mermaid or a merman after that, not understanding how they could have lived without the water or swimming before?

My specialty right now is a Wantra therapy. As I do the session with the person in the water I’m not just following a certain guideline for Wantra; I’m also reading the person’s energies, sensing where they are comfortable and what I can do and how I can move them to make them even more comfy and relaxed. Going deeper to have them meet themselves. Some people have called me a mermaid mom after their sessions with me. Water is one of the main elements and without this element we can not be balanced or creative. I also hold space and am there for people as well.

My favourite is working with people who have water fear; to see the moment they dare to go through it, especially if it is an older person. They have lived with that fear for so many years. It has limited them so much and then suddenly they are released from their own prison and it opens up so many new platforms to live their dreams… to live life as they please. To see that they will surf the wave of their life without any fear warms my heart and is the greatest gift I experience as a human mermaid on land. To experience their life quality changes as they start to live more fully… this warms my heart.

One woman came with me to Hawaii. She did not know how to swim and felt like she was drowning under the shower. We did Wantra in the natural hot pond, then I took her out to the ocean with me and brought a little boogie board to support her. The moment she saw the wild dolphins looking into her eyes and swirling around her, she let go of my hand and the board and turned into a mermaid. Today she swims without any support system and sets goals wherever her mind takes her and makes them real.

Even when I am not swimming in the wild waters of Hawaii or doing my Wantra sessions, I’m still having whales and dolphins and other contributing sea creatures by my side in the water of my mind. It really helps to shift the energy and consciousness of the person who receives the session. I’ve witnessed many times a similar effect of letting go of the fear when I get their inner dolphin connecting with them.

Currently my bestseller here in Mexico is Wantra floating sessions. In Estonia it is still mostly Auratransformation™, but Wantra is catching up; last time, most of my Wantra classes got sold out even before marketing them.

Another offer I have which is competing with Wantra is my online course for 6 or 12 months. During that course the clients can learn how to balance their lives through their sexuality, relationships, health, life mission and abundance. I am now working towards translating the course into English and launching it globally on my website.

What is interesting is that people have so many different needs in different countries. Without my anthropology studies I would have not been able to open up my business in Mexico as well. I would have hit the wall so many times and quit. Now I am building my little empire putting one stone to the other and loving it as I know ‘cultures’ are bendable. You just know how and when…


Please review these testimonials on Crystal Ra’s website about her water sessions and other sessions.



When I asked her what she most likes about what she does?

“In my water work I enjoy the quick way people can transform by the influence Wantra gives them. Whether it is that they;

  • Let go of control more;
  • They relax more;
  • They let go of certain viewpoints which do not work for them;
  • They get emotional clarity
  • AND/or they make a complete turnover in their life.


What she love performing her energy healing treatments in La Cruz.

  • I enjoy the variety of activities and possibilities we have here.
  • I enjoy doing Wantra classes in the marina for the sailors as they are always so open to new things.
  • I enjoy doing Wantra classes for kids, as they are so much freer to explore than most adults.
  • I enjoy the energy that Wantra brings to the table; the playful energy, and activated life force; how people’s eyes shine after my class. How they get inspired to change their lives on every level.
  • That my being and essence brings forth the transformation which their soul has been waiting for but did not know how to get to yet.
  • That their chronic pain can go away forever and that many times by the end of the session when I have them in the baby position most people have tears in their eyes, as though their whole life they have not felt that kind of unconditional love and embrace at all.

My message with these sessions and classes is that we all deserve unconditional love no matter what. I would love to invite people to get back to themselves and in connection with their dreams through my ticket to the liquid heaven – Wantra.

I also enjoy that what I do, most times, brings forth changes not only in individuals, but also in groups, communities and countries. I am a woman who dreams big and rallies for bringing forth more consciousness.”

Like all jobs yours must have its share of rewards, challenges and overwhelming moments… share please.

“Once I am in the water I am good. That is my realm and I know it pretty well. The warm water calms me in so many ways as well working with the client.

Rewards are the shiny eyes of the people who come back from their water journey with me or the abundance they share with me as paying for my sessions. The rewards are also the insights they get and the emotional clarity it creates; the healing they feel in their body. The slower pace they come to; slower heart rate. The courage they gather which boosts them to do new things in their lives, especially if they have had deep water fear before.

As a water therapist my main challenge is to find the right kind of pools to work in and people who would allow me to do that (like managements and boards). In the beginning of this season I had a true issue. I had people lined up for my work, but no pool to work in. That is only part of it. If you have a pool, I would prefer a salt water pool or ozone cleared pool as when I am in the chlorine water for a very long time for hours, it gives me headaches and other physical problems. My water temperature has to be 36C or 98F. Most pools in the area are not heated and if it is only heated with solar it might not be warm enough during the treatment.

It seems to me that people here are more territorial than in other places and doing business here can be a bit more challenging like that. I’ve been very caring and careful with that, but some people still are resistent.

My main focus is to offer something different. I’m glad to say that I have several contracts in process as a subcontractor with my Wantra services in larger hotels. It has taken a lot of patience and steady work one step at the time; I’m and not giving up!

Sometimes it is challenging to keep up the rest of the business as, at this time, I do almost all of it myself. To get the Mexican papers was quite a trip, which took me 3 years to figure out. Mexican burocracy seemed crazy and at times it overwhelmed me in a negative way. When my good will changed I got help by many good local people.

Overwhelming positive moments are with groups usually. One of the times we had a group of 14 people and we did a very deep water ritual. It got so deep that all of us started to cry and I think I cried for even some minutes after we were done. I could sense the deep healing we activated in all of us and how deep it got inside.

I have been overwhelmed positively so many times in a very surprising way with my adventure tours in Hawaii’s Big Island. This island is amazing and the magic that happens there is beyond this world. I’ve felt overwhelmed when we swam with wild dolphins in the ocean and one of them touched my heart with the tale or walking back from the dark lava during the full moon and seeing six moon rainbows in a row or go swimming after the sacred abundance meditation in a sacred cave and finding physical money floating in the water. I am so happy to put together another magic adventure tour to Hawaii this November 2016 to have more magical moments like this. It is an adventure like no other! In my opinion; if Mexico is magic for you and you like it, Hawaii is ten times more!

In La Cruz is your energy healing clientele more Mexicans, expats, tourists or all?

It is a mixture here; mostly tourists, then expats, then Mexican nationals. I love to work in international environments. Since I was 21 years old I have lived with international people wherever I have been (26 countries in 16 years).”

What inspires you?

“Nature – definitely. My main inspiration is the ocean. As a kid I had a fear of depth. In Hawaii when I did my water classes I went through it and dissolved it completely, with the help of the wild spinner dolphins, the whales and also free divers. I did a 3 months free diver course in Hawaii and went as deep as 60 feet (23 meters) which gave me the level one qualification. Now I know all the techniques how not to drown and how to go deep smartly. The ocean for me is like my liquid heaven and I feel so free and so at home. It is quiet and peaceful there. It embraces me always. In order for me to connect with my best friend, the ocean – I kayak regularly, swim in the ocean and free dive whenever I can.

I’m inspired by art and creating some myself – whether it is writing articles for my blog or painting new pictures or writing poems or decorating something or taking photos and editing these or filming and making small videos.

I’m also very inspired by people and cultures. I have a real adventure spirit in me which have brought with me from the South Pole to the North Pole and many places in-between and is my biggest treasure from all the years of adventuring. It really feeds my spirit.

I also feel very inspired by people who just live their dream without any limitations, nor preaching how they live.

When did you move to the area and what brought you here?

“I came first in 2012 to visit my friend Katrin Haiba on her sailing boat Lila, which she bought from Pat Henry; a solo circumnavigator around the world. I was supposed to stay for 1 1/2 weeks and stayed for 1 ½ months on Katrin’s boat and then another 1 1/2 months with a Mexican family in Sayulita. Then I wandered off to my other adventures almost half way around the world and got back in June 2013 for one week to do Pat Henry’s very first Organic Stretching teacher’s training for 6 months.

I stayed around the Bay of Banderas for 2 years after that… during which time I moved 26 times all around the area. I was a real gypsy and learned so much about myself, Mexicans and local expats and my life. I did not have any direction in my life and was very confused about my purpose. After drifting like that in the wind for some time, I started to pull myself together and from November 2014 started to build my life up again stone by stone.

Banderas Bay is believed to be the crossroad for some of the most powerful Ley-lines on Earth and I have experienced this here to the depth. It has two circles – one is the light and the other one is the dark. If you end up in one of them, you can be sure you will be pushed to the other end pretty soon. That is why my main focus here recently has been to find the golden middle path, which has not been easy. By staying and fixing myself and not escaping my wait and work has paid off. My new partner found me here, as well new job opportunities and possibilities which would be hard to find on that scale in Estonia; for example.


Last summer I spent some months in Europe with my family, who I had not seen for 2 years. It was the longest time I was away from home. I came back again in November and plan to live here in the area seasonally from now on. I have lived 7 winters in the tropics now and my body is not tolerating the winters up north any more. I guess I am turning into a snow bird as well.”

Share the highlights of your life, before La Cruz.

“My very first highlight was of course my son, who was born in 1997. I was a distant mom, but always there for him. He’s been my anchor throughout all the years and travels. He is a very handsome and smart young man with a good heart.

My university degrees were some of my biggest accomplishments and highlights; my bachelors in social anthropology from Oslo and Cape Town university as well my masters degree from Tromsö University in Visual Cultural Studies.


It was the most amazing time in Cape Town to be a student in a university with 50,000 students and have 20 different nationalities in my classroom; that is what I call anthropology in true action!

My time in Tromsö, Norway, around the polar circle was amazing and challenging too. I have seen the most beautiful Northern Lights which almost looked like the angels were dancing in the sky. Imagine living without any sunlight for 2 months of the year or 2 months during the summer having no nights, only midnight sun!!!

After I started my business my businessmen friends were laughing at my business plan and called it utopia. Their mouth’s shut when I delivered my results one year later and had fulfilled my 3 year plan creating profits my first year; doing what I love – healing and teaching people as well adventuring with them. All that was a huge highlight.

I proved to myself that I am not just a little girl from a small village from some distant place in Estonia, I am someone smart and who makes a difference for myself, my country and the world.

When I finished my documentaries and master thesis. It felt a huge accomplishment. The documentary is like giving birth to a child.

When I stayed alone on the top of the Norwegian mountain for 14 days as my personal pilgrimage – eating nothing and only drinking mountain water and experiencing being united with my spirit on top of the mountain I received my new name there which is now my passport. I also received very clear guidelines for my life; which I have fully followed and lived.

Hiking up Fish river canyon in Namibia, Africa I discovered that I am able to walk 100 km within 5 days through the hot sun, boulders and mountains with my heavy back pack on… that was a huge accomplishment!


Wantra with your personal mermaid; Crystal Ra


My personal freediving record of 23 meters, 60 feet in Hawaii was a big highlight.

My trips to Uluru in Australia, New Zealand and Lesotho. All of the countries I have been have been highlights teaching me more about the planet, people and cultures and helping me to get to know myself better.

How I started to play in the ocean and developed Wantra out of it and how it worked for people ridding them of chronic pain. Fulfilling my dream of traveling and creating a great situation with my business, partnership and home. The list can continue on and on…

La Cruz has gone thru many changes; do you see them as for the better?

In many ways yes, but as someone with my anthropology background and having read many articles about many places; white people go to distant places and just take over. I see it happening here. I think we should be a bit more sensitive to the locals. I was thinking the other day how it must have been like 40 years ago here. A quiet fishing village and some Mexican parties.

Now we have loud gringo music almost every weekday and weekends and if you live in the middle of the village you are guaranteed for no sleep until you get so immune to it that you just pass out. I would feel angry as a local if my life would be interrupted like that and they may not even like our music. I can sometimes feel that they are frustrated as many times things are just done by gringos and not even discussed with them, like their opinion does not matter.

But on the other hand there are so many more possibilities now thanks to so many gringos here – like the Sunday market and the marina, which provide many jobs for locals as well or different restaurants which give job opportunities to many local families.

I think things can move to the better, but only if the gringos and Mexicans cooperate and understand that we all work for the same goal, even if we look at it from a different angles.

I just hope that the big money and developments do not turn La Cruz into a complete stone monster. Many people come here to look for that intimacy as well, ‘real Mexico’, and the quietness we have here (in some parts of the village). Walking on the street and saying buenos dias to everyone or asking around if you need something or a local Mexican really smiling and looking into your eyes when you start a conversation. There is no hurry, as there is always ‘manaña’ or that the local pharmacy actually is closed for the hours of siesta. That is something which will be priceless in the years to come if we can keep at least some of it.

What do you see as the greatest change to La Cruz since you got here? Do you like that change?

I have seen how the Sunday market has grown. In many ways I love it. There is more variety of products and producers; yet so many vendors and people that sometimes it is hard to walk through. On the other hand if someone is asking 100 pesos for 10 incense sticks (worth 30 pesos or less) – you know it has gone over to the other end what we call ‘gringo pricing’.

I like the role Catalina Liana has for the marina. She works in cooperation with the marina, organizations and locals and has done so much work for the community through events. She does so much for the kids and it creates a different energy and atmosphere here. I like that. Catalina Liana has been very opened to my new ideas and given me lots of opportunities to try them out here. She helped me to set up my free Wantra classes for adults and one for the kids in the marina in cooperation with others and I did 10 classes in the period of 3 months.

I think still the question is how to build a bridge between the Mexicans and gringos as that could create even more greatest change.

If you could preserve something from earlier times in La Cruz what would it be?

Mexicans storytelling in front of their houses in the afternoons on their little benches. I so love it and it reminds me of my little village in Estonia where I grew up. I see it less and less and it is really sad. I understand now that even 80 year old Mexicans sometimes play around with ipads and phones as well as computers and the habit of storytelling may disappear. Many times when I pass the corner of the street where a couple of elderly men sit I so wish I could be a fly on that wall and have my google translator in handy so I could hear what they talk about.

If you had a magic wand, what would your wish for La Cruz de Huanacaxtle be 5 years from now and beyond?

I see that there are more and more people coming here to heal and unplug from their busy lifestyles and if not to live, then at least seasonally or just for a holiday. I would love this to become also a place where people can come to heal, slow down and quiet their busy life as well raise their consciousness. That there would be at least one yoga and healing center to work on yourself holistically, where you get healthy food, nice soft music for your soul and that these would be run in cooperation with Mexicans and it would also give something back to the community and the locals. For sure I’d like there to be a place with a warm pool, where community can enjoy wonderful Wantra group classes for adults, kids, couples or organizations all year round or at least seasonally.

Why would you recommend La Cruz to someone;

  1. To vacation here.
  2. To move here.

Both of these are good too, but I would say to find and explore yourself. If you plan to move here, you have to be aware that the summers here are super hot and humid. Some people find living here can be unbearable during summer time; others love it. I house-sat several houses over the last two seasons and it was a huge challenge, especially the ones without AC.

What is the one thing you’re most proud of in your life, greatest achievement kinda thing.

This must be my son and that even when those many times I was in the very bottom and I had no people to support me, no money and nowhere to go, I did not commit suicide and chose to stay and find a solution no matter what and turned into a phoenix every time. It was the greatest choice ever as I have brought lots of joy and magic as well higher consciousness to many people, places and countries and I am actually just getting started!! I am proud that I have shared my thoughts, ideas and adventures from these times in my blog for 2 ½ years already and inspired many others to see the light at the end of the tunnel and create their dream. We are here to fully enjoy life and not to suffer. Suffering is a choice as is being lazy. If you put your creativity into works, you will be able to create your dream life where you live with passion and fulfill your life mission with every breath you take!

Living in a beachfront town do you enjoy water sports… sailing, surfing, fishing, etc? If so, what is your favorite.

I do. If I could I would live in and on the water all the time. I feel most natural there. I take my kayak out weekly around the anchorage here as well La Cruz beach front. I love SUP boarding, but have not got my own board yet. I also love sailing which is natural as I’m the daughter of a sailor father and I have many sailor friends here. I especially love sailing to Yelapa, which still has a bit more of that real Mexican flavor.

I love to swim and free dive. When the days are clear I can even find spots here where I can freedive deep.

My favorite right now is probably surfing. It is really cool to be in the moment and catch the wave and be so one with the nature. My eyes shine like stars after this. The best is also if you could surf in the sandy beach. We usually go to Burros, which is very rocky. It is just so weird how busy one can get in paradise as I have been also busy with many volunteer projects like movie nights, as well Ecstatic dance and water work in Octopus’s Garden and other side projects. Now the season is slowing so I hope I can join some of my surfer friends for some good waves before I wrap up.

What one thing do you think people ‘about town’ don’t know about you?

That once upon a time I worked as a radio talk show leader.

Do you have a favorite quote?

I actually have two:

* Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbour. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

* To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself.

Soren Kierkegaard


I have thrown off my bowlines metaphorically so many times in my lifetime – when I moved from Estonia to Denmark or Norway or South Africa or Mexico. My life has been anything from safe. It has been meeting the unknown daily and sailing through the highs and lows of life. I have explored from the Grand Canyon to South of Cape Point. I have dreamt big and gone far. I have discovered that my home is where my heart sings and my feet don’t touch the ground. Where I dare to lose my footing continuously and because of that I find myself more one step at the time. In all of that I love to share my adventures via my blog and hope that they do not only inspire, but also invite others to change their lives so that they can also fulfill their dreams and live it.


Anything I’ve missed that you’d like to add?

Now my business is legal in Mexico and I’m registered here, so I can offer private Wantra sessions as well group sessions to everyone in the area. I am looking for exclusive cooperation partners in the area of La Cruz and around to further develop the future of Wantra. If you would like to experience something different and have a ticket to liquid heaven with Wantra – take contact with me. I can also make some of your group gatherings very special.


Thank you for reading and may the wind always blow to your sails the way your desire!


You can read more about Crystal Ra here www.crystalralaksmi.com or find her on Facebook here.
Crystal Ra is offering her services around the Bay mostly during the season (November till May). I feel like a mermaid who has come out of the sea to serve the sea on land. I would love to bring people back into their natural being and world through my being and Wantra. The work I do is so much deeper than I even realized.

To experience something different… buy a ticket to liquid heaven with Wantra. Call Crystal Ra at 322-109-2935.

Wantra with your personal mermaid; Crystal Ra

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