Chiropractic care across the Bay.


My sentiment thru the summer months is somewhat schizophrenic… thrilled to be ‘back home’ with family and friends, yet missing folks and services in La Cruz. After a very busy summer I’m – my body is – missing Erik Fulfer; he’ll be one of the first folks I visit upon my return. I’m a ‘lifer’ chiropractic believer and Dr. Erik is one of the best I’ve been treated by. Not only does he know his stuff, he cares so much.


Erik and his family moved to Vallarta January 20, 2010. After the housing/economy collapse of 2008 they, as a family, decided to take their chances on Mexico making many trips to coastal towns. “The Bay of Banderas checked off all the boxes; two years later, Michelle, my wife of 19 years and our daughter Sofia loaded up a 10 x 6 trailer and our 4Runner and headed south. We’re pleased to have family here as well; my brother and sister-in-law with their two children. My mother and father-in-law spend about half the year, too.”


A recent photo from Erik and family’s summer vacation in Argentina.

Chiropractic family


Erik told me that “Living in Banderas Bay has enabled us to be more active, much more social, eat healthier and grow our business organically. Practicing Chiropractic in Mexico has been an absolute blast! “Erik has two practices “Initially, I only had one practice in Puerto Vallarta in 2010. I worked three and a half days per week and my clientele was growing. I met Dr. Dennis, in Bucerias at the Mega Mall, who got me through an episode of intense low back pain and we decided to take care of each other. A friendship was created and when he and his wife decided to head back to the States Dennis called me to “run something by me.” It was at that point, almost five years ago, that I took over his practice ‘American Chiropractic’ to continue to deliver quality chiropractic care to friends and families of Nayarit. I divide my time equally between both offices. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Mega mall and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in Vallarta. Both practices focus on the biomechanics of the spine and its relation to the Central Nervous System. By improving the structure, we can reduce the stress on the nervous system, which leads to optimum function, reduces pain and discomfort and allows for an overall healthier lifestyle.”


Dr. Erik chiropractic care


Erik is a self-described people person enjoying making a difference in peoples lives; “Nothing beats high-fives and hugs all day. Both offices are super fun environments. After nearly twenty years in practice I’ve seen it all as it relates to chiropractic care, from the miracles, the patch and fixes to the long-term maintenance patients. I find them all to be extremely rewarding.” His patients are overwhelming ex-pats from Canada and the U.S. some visiting for three to six months per year and others live here. Erik also serves a significant number of Mexican Nationals.


Inspired by “Taking care of people who have reached the later years and still have it going on; super fit, eager to travel and learn new things, staying active and social. I’ve noticed that the thought of growing old and sedentary never enters their minds attacking life with a zest and exuberance that’s infectious!”


When asked about children and chiroprtactic care; Erik told me “Many parents take their children to the chiropractor directly after birth in order to realign the spine, help with colic, ear aches etc.  Others wait until they are slightly older and in the “rough housing” phase of growing up.  From there many consider chiropractic care to be vital throughout the developmental years and beyond.”


Dr. Erik chiropractic care


Erik loves being on the water; “Paddle Boarding, Surfing, Sailing, Fishing or Cruising… I enjoy them all.” He cooks at home but has no particular favorite recipe. “My Mother-in-Law and I usually tackle Thanksgiving and cook with a theme or ingredient in mind; bacon, maple, chipotle, etc. and include them into all the dishes somehow.”


The area’s changes are ‘for the better’ Erik agrees “I remember the first few years when the season would come to an end and I would basically not work for an extended period of time. I’m noticing the increase in population and the lack of a true slow season has improved the lives of so many. Sure, the traffic can get a little overwhelming at times but it’s a small price to pay to be able to live and work in paradise!”


As always I asked, “What one thing do you think people ‘about town’ don’t know about you and I learned something new! “Most don’t know that I served four years in the U.S. Army as a Paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division and the 508th Airborne Battalion in Panama. I also attended Culinary School prior to enlisting in the Army.”


The good Doctor’s favourite quote:


“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ~ Thomas Edison 


Erik’s most proud of “Being a husband, father, chiropractor and a Veteran are my greatest achievements.


Contact Erik at either of his offices or at

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