Masala Restaurant; where it’s all about the spice!

With Rita’s history in town and Julio’s love of fishing, Masala Restaurant is in the perfect location for their flavor ‘full’ delights.

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar


In a small town like La Cruz many folks are related; recently at the fisherman’s market I heard “Tio!” (Uncle) as the vendor yells to someone purchasing shrimp, then “Tio!” as someone purchasing tuna yells to the vendor. I wonder if they’re all related? Of course not but man-o-man, I love learning who’s related to whom and I’m not even close to caught up! In fact, when I asked Julio what brought him to La Cruz to open his amazing, Masala restaurant, he told me that his brother-in-law Enrique suggested they open a restaurant just down the street and he knew the place.

Coincidentally; Julio adores fishing… we are a fishing village after all!

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar

Most of us know Enrique from his seafood restaurant, La Glorieta de Enrique, here in La Cruz, but is it only me who never knew the connection? Rita and Enrique are brother and sister. Rita was born and raised in Bucerias where she worked as a chef at Mark’s restaurant for 18 years and most importantly; that’s where she met Julio who was originally from Zihuatanejo. When I asked Julio if it was love at first sight he just laughed and shook his head so I gather not however; I must say it was a union that was meant to be. Julio also worked at Mark’s restaurant for 10 years as headwaiter and when he and Rita left there they created many great things together. First, they were in charge of breakfasts at Enrique’s restaurant, then they created Masala restaurant and then the restaurant at the beach club at Punta Esmerelda and their best creation yet was Logan, their son!

My guests often ask if Masala is an Indian restaurant, as the name seems to imply. Its not, when I asked Julio about that he said they named it that as they created their own Masala spice using 7-8 custom ingredients.


Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar


What I know is that our guests rave… and so do we. “Have you had the pork chops?”, “Oh the scallops, they were divine”, “The presentation…”, “That tuna!”, “I’d have paid at least double what I spent there to enjoy such a marvelous meal in my city” and more!

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar

If you’re lucky enough to arrive to Masala Restaurant on a Thursday, in high season, you’ll get  to enjoy the fabulous flamenco music of Tatewari.

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar

If they must define the food Julio says “Masala Restaurant creates a fusion of flavors; Mexican/Mediterranean/Asian fusion.” Originally only Rita did the cooking and creating of the menu but Julio says Rita taught him and now he loves to cook too. At home he’ll create a meal and Rita will judge it and vice versa and that’s how the new creations make it to the restaurant… or not. He says that seafood is definitely his favourite and currently on the menu he recommends everything but most loves the Masala prawns with ginger, citrus and saffron and the seared tuna. Although he enjoys working in the kitchen Julio says greeting their guests makes him most happy. If someone leaves something on their plate he wants to find out if there was anything wrong.

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar

Although they’re extending their opening dates by a few days every year, their greatest challenge is keeping the restaurant full in the off season; hence they close in the summer. Julio and Rita are planning a summer menu that will attract more locals, both Mexican and foreigners and intend to introduce it soon. Check out their Facebook page for updates.

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar

Their location in Punta Esmerelda, exclusive to those who live in the development or by invitation only, is also a hit. They serve breakfast and lunch and although I haven’t eaten there yet I’ve only heard great things form my friends who have.

He says they enjoy life here and hope La Cruz never gets too crowded. Julio and Rita invite you to come and enjoy Masala Restaurant!

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar

Masala Restaurant, Villa Amor del Mar



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