Mayra’s Online La Cruz market store full of artisanal delights.

You might remember Mayra as one of the group members that spearheaded creating and designing the park for youth. It didn’t stop there, raising funds was huge and she and many other dedicated folks held an art show and other events to raise the money and then gathered volunteers together to build it. A major endeavor that is adored by so many!

Mayra was also one of the summer kids-camp coaches. When I asked her why she gets involved she told me; “Kids are always open to having fun and they adore new experiences doing something different with direction and purpose. I like to work with and for the kids and I have experience doing that.”

And… or you may recognize her name as one of the founders of the La Cruz Sunday Market. Mayra is still one of the main people who organizes and runs the market making it the success that it is.

Every time I talk to Mayra I’m inspired! She’s humble and as the saying goes “Still waters run deep”; she always has new and exciting ideas running through her mind, then she finds a way to get it done and all her efforts are toward bettering our community of La Cruz. If you come across her, please, give her great big thanks!

Now, to tie it all together Mayra has opened an online store that will showcase the works of the amazingly talented artisans that we all love, adore and purchase from every week. I don’t know about you but often during the week, I wish I could just go buy something I saw on Sunday. Well, now we can!!


The concept for the store evolved 8 years since the opening of the Sunday market because folks kept asking “Why isn´t it open during the whole year or where can I get some of the products when the market is closed.”

What will be in the online store? “I´m working to have all categories from the market; clothing, sandals, packaged food, personal care items, jewelry, handicrafts, accessories, and even items for pets. I intend to include a few items from other producers not at the market as well.”

Custom rugs from Oaxaca



Custom rug

Custom Jewelry by talented artists around the bay.

My usual desire throughout the week is for food items so I asked Mayra if she’ll provide those; “Yes, I´ll have some packaged food; coffee, dried fruits, Italian sausages, salami, hummus, jams, and some other surprises. The idea is to increase the list as per clients’ requests”.

As it’s her ‘baby’ Mayra will run the online store. She´ll have home delivery for customer’s convenience as well.

Everyone is welcome and some of the products can be made especially for you!


La Cruz market, Mayra, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacxatle

We wish Mayra and her team all the best!







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