Mike is so much more than a sail-maker!

Passionate about sharing stories of our local La Cruzers, I especially cherish giving credence to folks who volunteer their time giving back to the community! A huge shout out to volunteers Katrina and Mike; I wrote about Katrina’s local involvement in an earlier column, now its time to celebrate sail-maker Mike Danielson. Please say hi to him the next time you’re in La Cruz.

Mike the sail-maker.

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

View his linkedin page and you’ll learn that Mike is a sail-maker, production engineer and the owner of PV Sailing in La Cruz. People around town shared… he’s so much more than just a sail-maker, he also:

  • Runs the morning net for the sailors at least once a week;
  • Gives his time to research and report weather conditions 5 days a week on the morning cruiser’s radio net; including the tides for the day.
  • Actively runs the beer can races;
  • Volunteers his time creating memories for the kids of the marina. His friend Cheryl says “It helps to be a kid at heart… exploding watermelons, etc.”
  • Donates his time giving seminars (weather, rigging) each year at Paradise Village and La Cruz, prior to the “Puddle Jump”
  • Spends a lot of time organizing beach cleanups, etc.
  • Is the first to help when a boater has problems; spending days helping people when their boats have been grounded.
  • Loves dancing… as my friend Jan reminds me “His happy feet dancing is amazing!”.
  • Is so kind. Another sailor told me “I remember back in 2006 listening to him help the cruising and racing fleet with sails and weather. He’d even let them work on their own sails if they understood how to use his equipment. He would give basic training on his machines and help. He’s so kind.”
  • Is an artist.
  • Served in the United Sates Navy.
  • Is an accomplished sailor/racer.
  • Is helpful; if you have a question about anything he’ll happily steer you in the right direction.

Mike the sailor.

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

 Mike the artist.

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

 Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Mike the leader; the kids love him.

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Mike embraces his child within!Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Mike land surfing

 Happy feet dancer Mike.

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

 Community leader/volunteer Mike.

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Mike on the radio.

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Read more about Mike here.

Richard Spindler of Latitude 38 Sailing Magazine told me:

“Mike is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of sailing on Banderas Bay. He is active in every aspect including race committee work, encouraging all sailors to get their boats out on the water or hop on someone else’s boat; supporting Vallarta Yacht Club sailing events such as the Banderas Bay Regatta, organizing Beer Can races out of La Cruz and assisting Marina Riviera Nayarit along with Katrina Liana in their many organized activities for cruising and racing sailors. These include the popular three day Banderas Bay Blast that starts out of Marina La Cruz in December, preceded by the Sailors Splash. The Splash is an event sponsored by Riviera Nayarit Tourism to welcome Baja Ha-Ha regatta sailors and all cruisers to Banderas Bay.”


Cheryl Sears had this to say of Mike:

“I can’t say enough about Mike. He is the best cheerleader for getting a group fired up. His enthusiasm for sailing is intoxicating and genuine. To have Mike onboard for a day on the water is guaranteed fun.

Mike is an expert on weather and supply’s the local cruisers forecast. He runs the cruisers net for Banderas bay a couple times a week. He is also willing to help and lead in a crisis in the cruising community. Cruisers have called him from the middle of the pacific for help with equipment, weather, sailing in rough weather and rescue efforts. He has coordinated more than one salvage effort in the bay, donating his time and expertise. He is willing and eager to plan a race course and set buoys for the race, while encouraging others to participate. His artistic side enjoys creating fish prints on canvas. He does all these things while running a busy sail loft. I don’t think no is in his vocabulary.

He enjoys organizing and leading in youth activities. It helps to be a kid at heart…exploding watermelons etc.

If you call Mike for help, he will help you whether you deserve it or not. He has a heart of gold.”

Catalina Liana says:

“Where to start… back in 2000 I was preparing my boat for a cruising season in Mexico. I recall many people in Marina de Rey, Long Beach, Newport & San Diego speaking very highly of Mike Danielson and his Sail Loft in Puerto Vallarta. I also remember hearing about his background in racing, Navy and involvement with a sail loft in Hawaii years back. I was pretty impressed with his resume.

Arriving in Banderas Bay first thing in the morning I heard Mike Danielson of PV Sailing & North Sails on the VHF giving weather and support for sail repair, consulting & ordering new sails along with any boat gear needing to be shipped to Mexico from the US. Mike was incredible and reliable with an amazing Palapa Loft over looking Banderas Bay. His involvement with the Vallarta Yacht Club was a bonus for them. My background was not Yacht Club or racing but for some reason Mike had a way of reaching out to the cruising fleet and get them involved by having such a great attitude and encouraging people to get off the docks and go sailing.

I do have to admit that Mike Danielson made a huge impact on my position with Marina Riviera Nayarit and the cruising fleet. He would come up with fun Regattas to keep the cruising fleet active on the water. Soon I found myself a partner in crime! The more time we spent together the more we created. Our motto’ “Hey, we are going to do it anyway so why not invite others to play”. Since I’ve known Mike he has not skipped a beat! Racing, Sails, Repairs, Designing, Engineering, Building, Creating, Rigging, etc. The list goes on… Mike is a true inspiration to all.

When our dear friend Philo passed away suddenly Mike wrote the most apropos dedication.

8 Bells …. The passing of a Fierce and Noble Friend.
Philo was one of a few that stands as an inspiration in the support of many. The man was always win/win in mind and would be often the first in to address an issue and set the example. La Cruz is stronger and happier whether it’s from his music, community service, support for cruisers or charity support for events. I could always call on Philo and say… “What do you think?” Straight back; “Let’s do it! FIERCE! “It’s good for everybody.” If you were wrong… he was on it and driven to see balance… True to ethics; NOBLE! For taking the higher road protecting and working for what is right for La Cruz… and all involved.


Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike makes fun for folks of all ages around the community of La Cruz. Watch for Summer sailstice 2017 next year!

RECENTLY The fourth annual Summer sailstice 2016 organized by Mike Danielson and Katrina Liana which took place on June 18th at Marina Riviera Nayarit in La Cruz. Everyone’s a winner as they encourage people to play. This fun-filled day is open to the public and families are encouraged to participate… even if it’s just to cheer on the competitors!

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Sail-maker Mike, Villa Amor del Mar, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Umbrella Downwind Regatta; requirements:

– Bring a kayak, paddleboard, dinghy or surfboard.

– Umbrella or any design close enough to capture wind. Be creative when designing your vessel.
– Vessels under 16´
– No dagger boards/keels
– Vessels with rudder NO paddles aloud
– No conventional sail rig
– Paddles can only be used to steer or shift directions
– 1 large umbrella OR 2 small per person
– Kites not larger then 2sq. meters
NOTE: Extra points for Pets on Board.

4:00 pm – SUP ” Starship ” Rally (8 person inflatable paddleboard )

SUP “Starship” (8 person paddleboard)
– 3 Starship Teams to race thru the marina.
– Surf Mexico will supply demo SUP boards during the event.

After the races (5:00 pm) enjoy drinks, appetizers and live music at Oso’s Oyster Bar where prizes donate by local businesses in La Cruz and Bucerías will be awarded to the winners.

Thank you, sail-maker Mike… and so much more,  for making a difference for so many in La Cruz!!

PS: This was a surprise to Mike as he was timid about the concept of sharing himself. When he read this, his comment was:

“Little shy on this one… My life is the ocean and Sailing. I vicariously live through the added ambitions of those coming here with their dreams of going offshore… if I can help… that fills the the glass… over flowing; and it’s always more than half-full.”














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