Shrimp Mango Avocado Ceviche

When we first began our journey in the area we never imagining that we’d move here and purchase a run down building, renovate it and turn it into a Boutique Hotel! The fabulous food was something I never had to imagine I just dove in and enjoyed. Yumm, yumm!  I have a habit, when I truly like a food, I do my best to replicate the recipe.

We had something similar to this dip when we were out and about… I quickly decided I had to recreate it! The combination of flavours excited my taste-buds and my creation is one of my husbands and guests faves.

Simple, healthy ingredients make this a mango season favourite! There are a variety of mango’s and so far we’ve liked any and all that I’ve used.


  • Shrimp; as many as you’d like. I use 1/2 kilo and use the large ones, simply so I don’t have to peel and devein too many! If you find the concept of peeling and deveining shrimp daunting; watch this video Deveining shrimp, it really is easy and after a few times you’ll whip through it.
  • Limes
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 mango
  • Thin slice of onion; I prefer red.
  • Cilantro; folks have different tolerances for cilantro, add to your taste.
  • 2 – 3 cloves garlic
  • Salt
  • Chili flakes or powder or Tajin.

Prepare the mango.

  • Clean the mango (and avocado and cilantro) by soaking it for a few minutes in water that you’ve added iodine mix or a sploosh of vinegar. I do this with all fruit and vegetables even if I’m going to peel them (and yes I do this when I’m in Canada too). I just figure as I peel the fruit my hands obviously touch the fruit we’re about to eat and I’ve seen way to many veggies hit the floor in the store and are promptly returned to the bin, yikes!
  • Chop the mango into itty bitty bits.
  • Add minced garlic and chili flakes to mango.
  • Stir.
  • Set aside to marinate as you prepare the shrimp.

Shrimp Mango Avocado Ceviche

Prepare other ingredients:

  • Peel and chop avocado (or mash depending on ripeness). Sprinkle generously with sea salt. Save avocado pit.
  • Slice onion ‘super’ fine.
  • Chop cilantro.
  • Set aside awaiting addition of shrimp (I put it all together in a bowl as I prepare the shrimp)


Shrimp Mango Avocado Ceviche, Ceviche

Ingredients await the addition of shrimp.


Prepare the shrimp one of two ways:

  • I call this ceviche because the shrimp is ‘cooked’ in lime juice. Once peeled and deveined, chop shrimp into little pieces and soak in lime juice. See the photos below. You’ll want to squeeze enough lime juice over it so the shrimp are soaked and the shrimp can get ‘cooked’ by the juice. Stir a couple of times throughout the ‘cooking’ process. I used to be so nervous about this that I’d cook in the citrus for 3 hours to overnight… don’t do that. The shrimp cooks in about 20 minutes, I’m still nervous and leave for about an hour, more than that overcooks it and makes the shrimp tough.
  • Some people might not be willing to eat ‘raw’ food so for the timid, saute in a pan with butter or coconut oil, quickly… do not overcook. The above cooking in lime definitely provides the most flavor! Be sure to generously soak in lime juice after cooking.


Shrimp Mango Avocado Ceviche

Fresh shrimp from the fisherman.

Shrimp Mango Avocado Ceviche, Ceviche

Peeled, cleaned and deveined shrimp

Shrimp Mango Avocado Ceviche, Ceviche

Shrimp cut and ready to cook in lime juice. Generously squeeze juice over top.

Shrimp Mango Avocado Ceviche, Ceviche

Stir shrimp and lime together, cover let sit in fridge for 20 minutes to an hour.

Put it all together:

Shrimp Mango Avocado Ceviche, Ceviche

Mix it all together. Taste; add more salt or pepper, serve with taco chips of your choice.


Plop the avocado pit on top of the mix as this will keep it fresh longer, it might look weird but after living here for 6 years and seeing it done, even in restaurants, trust me it works.

Insert a spoon (or not) into the bowl, serve with taco chips of your choice. I find for this one the round crunchy tortillas are best.

Buen Provecho!! (like saying bon appetite but in Spanish, enjoy your meal)


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